Author, Version, and Other Information

It is often desirable to have a link at the bottom each page to allow readers to interact with the document author. The author tags allow you to specify the text (%AUTHOR) and an optional URL (%AUTHURL) for the page author. The author text for this page is "Richard Rathe /" and the author URL is "" (see the note on email below).

The version tags are a general means to add administrative information or links to a page. They are "%VERSION" (the text) and "%VERSURL" (the URL). The version text for this page is "MTX 1.3 User's Manual / Copyright 1996 by the University of Florida." There is no version URL in this case.

HTML file names are generated automatically from MTX file names (xyz.html from xyz.mtx, etc.). The "%FILE" tag specifies an HTML file name and overrides the default. This allows you to use longer and more descriptive MTX file names while keeping HTML file names short for compatibility. The file name for this page is "author." The ".html" extension is added automatically.

The "%PATH" tag is used to specify the permanent location for the page. This is useful when the page is copied, saved to disk, or printed on paper. A reference to the original document will appear in the page footer. Specify the path WITHOUT the file name, MTX will add it automatically to make a complete URL. The path for this page is ""

The "%MTX" tag is used to specify the version of MTX used to create the page. Since MTX will continue to evolve, this information can be used to manage future document revisions. The MTX version for this page is 1.3.

NOTE: As a convenience, MTX will automatically preface Internet email links with "mailto:" in the output HTML file. In this case "%AUTHURL" is equivalent to "%AUTHURL"

Edited on February 18, 1996 / Updated on March 5, 1996
MTX 1.3 User's Manual / Copyright 1996 by the University of Florida
Contact: Richard Rathe /